Church History

In 1984, Bishop Paul L. Fortson along with his wife (Evangelist Carolyn) organized the Paradise Church of God in Christ after receiving a visit from God during a revival at Victory Church of God in Christ. The Lord spoke to Bishop Fortson and said, “Start a Church!” Bishop Fortson replied, “Lord, I don’t even have a name for a church.” The Lord said, “CALL IT PARADISE, AND AS LONG AS YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO, IT WILL ALWAYS BE PARADISE.” Then the Lord showed him a vision of the Garden of Eden-such a beautiful and peaceful place.

God led him to start a Bible study in his home. On October 11, 1984, the Paradise Church of God in Christ was birth in the living room of Bishop and Evangelist Fortson, with their two sons and some close friends. They met every Thursday night at different houses and also worked with other churches in the area. The ministry increased as they went from house-to-house. (Acts 2:46-47).

In 1985 Bishop Fortson began an Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. The ministry emphasized brotherly love, which was the basis of establishing their monthly Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. Initially, there was a $10.00 charge for the prayer breakfast, but after the first breakfast was held, Bishop Fortson and his wife were convicted in their spirits and decided not to charge $10.00 for the Prayer Breakfast, but whosoever wanted to come – let them come, without charge, and let them give according to how God had blessed them. The breakfast flourished after implementing the no charge policy. The Lord blessed more with no fee than by charging. This Interfaith Prayer Breakfast is a powerful outreach ministry with many people having been healed, delivered and set free from the power of Satan. This prayer breakfast has become a retreat for many Christians, both in and out of the state of Georgia. The breakfast has been held for many years at the Piccadilly Cafeteria in the Greenbriar Mall.

In 1985, the Lord blessed the Mission. The late Reverend Gray, former Pastor of the Mount Caramel AME Church opened his doors to Bishop Fortson and the Paradise Mission Church (thanks to his wife Lillie Gray). Services were held there every Thursday and Sunday night. Bishop Fortson will never forget the late Reverend Gray’s kindness and hospitality that he shared.

In September 1986, the Lord did something unusual. He placed in the heart of Bishop Fortson to merge his congregation with another pastor and his church, who were having problems at the time maintaining their financial obligation. Within six months, the Lord had blessed mightily, both spiritually and financially. Then the Lord spoke to Bishop to disjoin this arrangement. He did as the Lord said even though he did not know what laid ahead. This was on Sunday, but Tuesday of the same week, the Lord touched the late Mr. Ray Reese and his wife Mrs. Louise Reese of WTMN Networks to call Bishop Fortson and offer him to their studio to have services. The Reese’s did not know at the time that God had sent Bishop Fortson out without a place. (Isn’t God Good Phil. 4:19)!

Bishop Fortson and his congregation remained at the studio for two years while God continued to add to the ministry. Again, the Lord spoke to Bishop Fortson and said, “Be not contented in this place because one year from now you will not be in this place.” Bishop Fortson shared this with his congregation, and they praised God for His direction. Bishop Fortson knew that faith without works is dead (James 2:20). Bishop Fortson proceeded to look at a number of churches their present location not being included. He found a beautiful church with additional buildings, such as an educational building, etc., and thought that this might be the church, but the deal did not go through. Bishop Fortson continued to look for a church. A few months later, he found another church more beautiful than the previous one. A Contract was drawn up and he was on his way to fulfill God’s promise-so he thought, but the deal didn’t go through. Now, it was about two weeks before God’s deadline and Bishop Fortson still had not found an edifice. What would you have done?

Bishop Fortson had been turned down by all other possibilities. God fixed it so that his present edifice was the only possibility. Two weeks before the one-year deadline, he still had no church. He confided in his wife about his concern. His heart was heavy. Then God brought to his mind a brief conversation that he had with one of the deacons of a previous church about the present building.

Bishop Fortson called the Pastor of the church and asked if he could have service in his church. The Pastor asked, “Do you want to buy it?” Bishop Fortson then answered, “Yes! Praise the Lord!” Arrangements were made to discuss the acquisition of the church. When Bishop Fortson went to the church, he was accompanied by another church brother who was knowledgeable about the finances. Initially, the brother controlled the discussion about the finances; but at the final negotiations, God told Bishop Fortson to speak. One week prior to God’s deadline, another meeting with the Board was arranged for that Wednesday. At this meeting, God will allow only Bishop Fortson to speak. One of the former members from Calvary Church asked Bishop Fortson when he wanted to move into the church. He told them Sunday because he knew that this was God’s one-year deadline. God had given him favor with the owners and his request was granted. Bishop Fortson said, “God gave them favor” with the owners and they moved into a $560,000 church with no money down and with less than 75 members on September 17, 1989. Paradise Church of God in Christ was given a six-month lease-to own period. Nevertheless, three months into the lease God spoke to Bishop Fortson and said that the church would be paid off within five (5) years, and God also gave Bishop Fortson a plan.

The plan was written in such a manner that when given to the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman asked Bishop Fortson who had written the plan. Bishop Fortson answered, “I did but, God gave it to me.” The Chairman knew that this was true and not only granted him the five years that he requested but added an additional five years to the repayment plan. Bishop Fortson knew that God would do exactly what He had promised and continued to look forward to the completion of the mortgage within five years as God had promised. (Romans 4:20-21).

On September 14, 1994, the Paradise Church of God in Christ paid off the church in less than five (5) years as God had promised. They never struggled to make their church payments. God continues to provide through tithes, offerings and pledges. When asked about moving into the new edifice, the move-in date was exactly one year from the time that the Lord said they would move and the mortgage burning was within five (5) years God had promised. Bishop Fortson continues to pray and allows God to direct his path.

On September 15, 1997 – The Paradise Nursery and Child Care Development Center was opened.

Bishop Fortson has functioned in a number of areas throughout the Central Georgia Jurisdiction such as: The Central Georgia Jurisdiction Secretary of the State Ordination Board; Coordinator and Financial Director of the State Sunday School Department; Facilitator/Presenter for the monthly Leadership Training Seminar; Public Relations staff of the State Consecration Committee; and appointed East Point District Superintendent in 1997. In addition to being very active in the Central Georgia Jurisdiction, he is also an active participant in community outreach services. From 1995 through 1997, he was President of the Southside Ministerial Association. He also served as Vice-President of that same organization and now lifetime member of the FPMA.

In April 1998, he was appointed overseer of the Barbados & Caribbean Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction by the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Inc. Bishop Chandler Davis Owens, on October 3, 1998, consecrated him to the sacred Office of Bishop of the Barbados & Caribbean Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction by Bishop C.D. Owens.

In the year of 2000 Bishop Fortson purchased land on Hendrix Drive. The Lord gave Bishop Fortson another vision! That vision was to build a Gymnasium & Cultural Center for the members and community. The Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on June 30, 2002. Paradise Church of God in Christ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new facility was scheduled in the Fall of 2003 (November 15th)!

  • In 2004, 2005 & 2006, Bishop Paul L. Fortson was among the “Most Influential African American Pastors in the Atlanta Business Journal.
  • On May 21, 2006, Dr. Zamekio Jackson, President of Saint Thomas Christian College, Jacksonville, Florida, conferred Bishop Paul L. Fortson with an Honorary Doctorate Degree. The ceremony was held at the Paradise Gymnasium & Cultural Center.
  • On August 23, 2011, Bishop Fortson was appointed to serve on the General Assembly of the COGIC Constitution Commission Committee.
  • In April 2014, He was among the 100 Most Influential Pastor in the COGIC. Also, in April 2014 He was inducted into Carver High School Hall of Fame.
  • On July 27, 2016, He was awarded the “Living Legend Award” by Forest Park Ministerial Association.
  • On January 29, 2017, He was given the key to the City of Lexington Mississippi.
  • In April 2018, Bishop Paul L. Fortson was inducted into the Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King, Jr. College Board of Ministers.

Bishop Fortson has been anointed by God to preach the gospel and to teach Evangelism, Finance and Leadership Training. He promotes 100% paying of tithes, offerings, and pledges. The people of Paradise are blessed beyond measure because they obey the Word of God through the teachings of the man of God. Not only does he teach Evangelism, Finance, and Leadership Training in his local church, but he has been blessed to teach at the Jurisdiction, State and National levels.

The services at the Paradise Church of God in Christ are full of praise and enthusiasm. Love for one another is emphasized. God has placed a “divine love” in Paradise, and it has penetrated within the hearts of the members. This love is not only spoken but also felt and shown to each and every individual that passes through the doors of the church. We love to praise God and Pastor Fortson believes in allowing the Holy Ghost free movement in the services. He teaches his congregation to not only read the Word, but to live by the Word of God; and this can only be accomplished through studying the Bible. Fasting and praying are also stressed as important parts of the Christian life in order to remain close to God.

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