Associate Ministers Board


  1. To assist the Pastor in Ministerial duties.
  2. To promote an effective and efficient church at the local, district and state levels.
  3. To oversee the total operation of the entire ministerial staff.
  4. To perform all duties with instruction and direction from the Pastor.
  5. To ensure that all duties and requirements are communicated, understood, and adhered to by all local Elders and Ministers inclusive of scheduling expeditors for Sunday morning and evening services.
  6. To assist the pastor in making available all training literature and materials necessary for the Elders and Ministers to effectively perform their duties.
  7. To assist the pastor in any way deemed necessary to promote and maintain an effective and efficient ministerial staff.
  8. To be prepared to carry on the total operation of the church in the temporary absence of the pastor, or whenever he (the pastor) deems necessary.
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